Saturday 23 January 1999

New computer arrived yesterday. Completely groovy or what? I have named it Callisto (for no apparent reason) and have spent a ridiculous amount of time on it, installing, configuring and tweaking zillions of programs. RC5 rate kicks ass, at nearly 1000 kkeys/sec! (Bad luck Mike)

Posted by Dominic at 16:29

Saturday 16 January 1999

Got a rather pleasing pair of Physics results yesterday, from the November modules: 98% in Further Physics and 100% in Cosmology! Pure 3 went well yesterday, but I am not quite so confident about the Pure 4 on Monday. Anyway, one week to go 'til new computer arrives.

Posted by Dominic at 12:48

Saturday 9 January 1999

At last! A new computer to replace this ageing 486 is on order. I'm getting it from Micro Business Computers which seems to be a good company, though the final judgement will only come when I get the computer. It is a PII 400 MHz with 64MB, called the HomeNet II. Hurrah!

Posted by Dominic at 19:09

A Happy New Year is not a good description of the looming maths modules, but I'm sure I'll manage. Went to an open day at Durham on Wednesday and Thursday, which I really enjoyed. The place is very welcoming, and University College, aka 'The Castle' has an 11th century bar selling a selection of 11th century ales. Made you stop and think? Not really. Anyway, I think I have decided on putting Durham down for my insurance acceptance.

Posted by Dominic at 00:51

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