Thursday 18 February 1999

I will soon (tomorrow) be going on a 3 day residential orchestra course, which could be interesting - hopefully I will be going to Washington DC in the summer with them.

I tried installing Linux onto a partition on my master hard disk this evening, and although it didn't mess Windoze up, partition magic, after I had waited 3 hours for a defrag, insisted that I have 0 bytes free on my FAT32 partition, so I haven't been able to resize it yet. If anyone can suggest a solution please drop me a line.

Just watched Red Dwarf VIII, 1. What an improvement over series VII this was - back to the old format of a studio audience, and all the old characters as well. I'll wait until I've seen them all before a say anything final, but so far, it has been very promising. If you missed it it is been shown again on Sunday evening.

Posted by Dominic at 21:57

Saturday 13 February 1999

Sorry that I haven't written for a while, many things have been happening. Two weekends ago my friends and I had a Quake II party, which took up lots of time, and revealed to me how useless I am at it (I first played the game three weeks ago). Last weekend, however, something rather less enjoyable happened to my computer. I tried to install Redhat 5.2 on a spare hard disk. A series of inexplicable happenings meant that at the end of the process Redhat was not installed, but Windoze refused to work properly either!

I got some service out and the guy partially fixed it, and I polished it off (I think it's okay now) but I can't pin down a single cause which is really annoying, 'cause I want to install Linux, but I don't want to risk mucking everything up again. Chances are it'll work perfectly next time, but I'm not quite ready yet. Mysteriously my title bars now have gradient fill, which they didn't before (hurrah!)

Posted by Dominic at 09:46

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