Thursday 18 February 1999

I will soon (tomorrow) be going on a 3 day residential orchestra course, which could be interesting - hopefully I will be going to Washington DC in the summer with them.

I tried installing Linux onto a partition on my master hard disk this evening, and although it didn't mess Windoze up, partition magic, after I had waited 3 hours for a defrag, insisted that I have 0 bytes free on my FAT32 partition, so I haven't been able to resize it yet. If anyone can suggest a solution please drop me a line.

Just watched Red Dwarf VIII, 1. What an improvement over series VII this was - back to the old format of a studio audience, and all the old characters as well. I'll wait until I've seen them all before a say anything final, but so far, it has been very promising. If you missed it it is been shown again on Sunday evening.

Posted by Dominic at 21:57

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