Sunday 12 December 1999

I've been back home for a week now, and beginning to remember how boring life can be when you're at home alone most days... Anyway, I did some more work for Zebra Translations, set up a little net at home, and got a new 13 gig hard disk. Yeaaahh! I've been fiddling with Linux again, as well as installing Win2k beta. I have to admit it looks pretty good, but as I've not run it much I can't comment much. It does have some opengl support, and seems to be as stable as NT4. Which is as much as one can expect, really.

I'm hoping to sort out all the niggling problems in my linux install (no lp0 at the moment, for some weird reason; also Netscape mail files are a pain to share over win/linux installs) and switch more permanently over to Linux. I know I said this about 6 months ago, but y'know.. you do have to have a lot of patience for Linux, especially if you're a novice - and at the end of the day it's still far easier to load Winblows up again.

I still have to sort out Christmas/new year plans, and do some physics work - I will have to give the computer a rest next week, and get down to some study...

Posted by Dominic at 19:35

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