Monday 31 July 2000

I'm doing a major tidy-up of this website, and a few design changes, so you may find the site a bit bare for the next week or too, while I put back in place some of the old content and add some brand new content.

Posted by Dominic at 21:50

Thursday 27 July 2000

About time I updated this, I suppose. well, turns out that I failed all my prelims, so I am spending the holidays _trying_ to revise for the retakes. It's proving somewhat difficult to conentrate on that though - almost anything seems better than actually getting down to that heap of Physics.

It's been hinted that I ought to go off to another University, but my current plan is that I will give it a good shot at carrying on at Oxford, since I managed to get in here!

Feel free to send me lots of support and encouragement!

Posted by Dominic at 16:40

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