Saturday 28 October 2000

New term, new set of challenges. Work at Magdalen is continuing to be challenging, especially having to balance work against the two-day-long practicals. We're all trying to do less computer rep-type stuff, with partial success - the college will hopefully be appointing and assistant Computer Officer
in the next few weeks.

I went and spent a load of money last week, on a Palm Vx. This should be incredibly cool, when it finally turns up - my (very geeky) aim is to give it an internet IP address and run a webserver on it. Why? Cos I Can :) Also, I have been offered a SparcStation SLC to play with, which I should be picking up some time soon. (interesting link here [update 03/07/01: dead link removed]). Should make a nice addition to my collection, the first non-intel box in fact. Hopefully I will set it up as an X-workstation running things from callisto.

Posted by Dominic at 17:57

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