Monday 29 October 2001

Returned this afternoon from Noodles' house-cooling party last night - it went on rather late, so I'm shattered now. It was a fancy dress party, and I went as a vampire. Was a rather good outfit, though I say so myself. Photos will probably appear on the web at some point :)

Posted by Dominic at 00:45

Sunday 21 October 2001

Just been writing a talk that I am to present as part of my practical assessment on Tuesday - all about The Grid. Lots of fun.

On a non-academic front, I've recently got involved in,
a community of tapers and traders focussed around online distriution. If you have a broadband connection and an in interest in free (legal!) music then take a look.

Posted by Dominic at 03:36

Thursday 4 October 2001

It's now Thursday of 0th week and I'm getting settled in and dealing with the mass of personal and JCR committee business that always seems to present itself at this time.

I have a nice room in Grove this year - with an en suite. Mmm. Being able to stumble half-asleep into the shower is niiice.

Posted by Dominic at 01:49

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