Wednesday 30 January 2002

Despite the mid-week-ness and the time, I'm getting down to work. Honest. Just catching up with a few things and generally chilling out after a CompSoc event and pubmeet. I still wish Finals were over, though.

Posted by Dominic at 02:05

Tuesday 8 January 2002

A brand new blank page for 2002: and of course, the time to start being afraid of finals. But on a happier note, I had my 21st birthday party on Saturday which was a lot of fun. There are photos of the event here
and here.

With regard to my job interview, I didn't get the job, which wasn't surprising as they really wanted someone quicker than I could start, but they hinted I may have got the job otherwise.

Last night I saw Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring at The Phoenix Picture House (which is fast becoming my favourite Oxford cinema, in the light of recent "improvements" that Odeon have performed on the two main ones since taking them over).
The film is amazing; I had reservations before I saw it as I wasn't particularly impressed with the trailer, but they faded away as soon as the film started. Highly recommended.

Posted by Dominic at 19:37

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