Wednesday 31 July 2002


Now I'm bored. Why can't I start the job yet?

I seem to have accommodation firmed up though — on Sunday I went to visit Twofish's house, where I will be living for the next year at least. Nice location, shame about the uphill cycle on the way home from work...

The last couple of days have been fun. Lots of security things to be dealt with the most important of which was OpenSSL. Luckily only two machines I run had SSL services to be faffed with. But, much more importantly, I am finally, finally, learning to drive. I've had two lessons so far, and I'm absolutely loving it. Between the first and second lesson (which I had this morning at some silly hour like 9am (no, don't tell me, I know I'm going to have to have sane waking hours when I start work)) I found myself getting a lot better at working the gears and so on, and already it was starting to feel natural. That has to be a validation of the processing of new information overnight theory. Another lesson on Friday. Yay.

Of course, you'll be wondering what's my excuse to rabbit on here tonight. Well, the alternative would involve me turning my room upside-down and sorting things out so I can dispense with 21 years of accumulated crud and start in Oxford with a reasonable amount of stuff. Which won't be fun.

Posted by Dominic at 22:30

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