Sunday 15 February 2004


Before launching into a spiel to get people to come to a concert, I suppose I ought to actually put this into some context, as I have been rather lax in keeping this diary up-to-date over the last few months. Last October I joined the Oxford Bach Choir, a large amateur choir in Oxford. This has turned out to be thoroughly enjoyable so far, despite the relatively large time commitment required (for example I spent most of yesterday at a productive all-day rehearsal). The first concert I was involved in was Handel's Israel in Egypt. I'm not what you'd call a Handel fan but singing this was an eye-opener to the fact that there are some real gems in the works of a composer I'd generally labelled as being rather dull. Soon afterwards we then did (a first for the OBC) a Christmas concert, which if nothing else was a big money-spinner for the choir.

Anyway, the main purpose of this post is to drum up support and audience for our Hilary term concert which is going to be a performance of Bruckner's Mass in E minor and assorted wind and choral music of Mendelssohn and Mozart. It's fantastic music, although it (especially the Bruckner) is quite challenging, and I hope people will come to the concert. Feel free to drop me a line if you want to know more about the music.

The concert is on Saturday 13th March 2004 at 7.30 pm at the Sheldonian.

Posted by Dominic at 23:06 | Comments (0)

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