Tuesday 13 April 2004


Fun exciting craze of the week is Geocaching. The basic idea is to hunt, usually by means of a GPS unit, for caches, which are often plastic tubs containing a log book and other goodies. It seems to be met with derision by those who believe GPSes to be toys suitable only for those who can't read maps; but as an entertainment rather than a serious exercise it has to win (and there's nothing actually GPS-specific in how you do things with geocaching; if you could be bothered to get orienteering maps that would be equally practical). I went with John and Matt to find two caches south of Oxford. We actually failed to find the final part of the second one, which was a shame. However, good fun was had by all and we went for a nice meal at the end of it at a pub in Sutton Courtenay where we'd parked the car.

There seem to be plans afoot to go again next weekend.

Posted by Dominic at 00:36

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