Wednesday 1 February 2006

The Crisantemi Quartet

I've been involved in a string quartet for a couple of months, but we haven't done a lot of stuff yet. We'd like to have occasional gigs coming in at weddings and so on, but for me at least it's for the fun of it, not the money. I haven't devoted much time to the violin since University (and even at University I didn't do much beyond my first year), so it's nice to have something tangible to work on. I've played in quartets a few years ago with Hilary and Sarah (who is our viola player), but, due to people leaving the University, that petered out.

Anyway, this rambling is really just an excuse to slip in the URL of our shiny new website, most of the design work for which was done by the wonderful Andy and Art. So, if anyone wants a quartet in Oxford or nearby, have a look at The Crisantemi Quartet :)

Posted by Dominic at 17:41
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