Welcome to the Oxford Palm Archive

This is primarily a resource for Oxford University members. It contains apps that people have found useful or fun.

It will also be growing lots in the next month or so. Please send additions/updates/corrections to palm-archive@tirian.magd.ox.ac.uk.

* relates to download archive

From bugtraq this morning - "Executive summary: If you have ever used Strip for the Palm to generate your passwords, change them. Change them NOW." - 11/04/2001

Number of programs in database: 20

Name Version Description Category License Homepage Comments Size* Last updated
APCalc3.22Scientific calculatorScientific Sharewarehttp://www.halcyon.com/ipscone/apcalc/ Includes graphical routines and is programmable.262k20010306180147
BeamBox1.22Beam anythingUtilities Sharewarehttp://www.inkverse.com/ 17k20010615151121
Dice RollerRoll up to 6 diceGames http://www.se77en.com/kedge Requires WabaVM4.6k20010221110814
Dinky Pad0.92bDoodlerAmusements Sharewarehttp://www.daggerware.com/dinkypad.htm Fun when bored :)20k20010221115017
EISEudora email and webNetwork Free but restrictedhttp://www.eudora.com/internetsuite/ There are no files available for download here due to the restrictive license.20010221114027
Froggy2.2bClassic gameGames Sharewarehttp://www.pilotfan.com/froggy/ 26k20010408122545
Hackmaster0.9Utility to centralise system hacksHacks Sharewarehttp://www.daggerware.com/hackmstr.htm 9.5k20010221125627
httpdWeb serverNetwork GPLhttp://www.citi.umich.edu/u/rees/pilot/ Serves up all your personal information, so firewall it well!19k20010223021343
IR Battleship1.0Battleship over IRGames Shareware Website appears to be defunct8.8k20010609002013
iSilo free1.50Multiple document viewerUtility Freewarehttp://iSilo.com/ Essential for reading e-books24k20010221112517
MetrO3.0.2Metro route plannerUtiliies Freewarehttp://myweb.worldnet.net/~patriceb/Technique/Metro/Metro-en.html Includes London tube and 100s of others. Databases regularly updated1.4M20010609003543
PalmscapePR 5.0a5Online web browserNetwork 61k20010221111840
PalmVNC1.4VNC clientNetwork GPLhttp://www.harakan.btinternet.co.uk/PalmVNC Fairly cool, although obviously of limited practical use343k20010221110729
Plucker1.1.5Offline web browserNetwork GPLhttp://plucker.gnu-designs.com/ This download contains linux binaries and the .prc file - see the site for source and a windows version459k20010609003417
ptelnet0.6telnet and serial terminal emulatorNetwork Freewarehttp://netpage.em.com.br/mmand/ptelnet.htm 23k20010609003140
Strip05iEncrypted password storeUtilities GPLhttp://www.mesa.nl/~schuur/pilot/strip.html This is a version developed in the Netherlands with strong crypto, to bypass unclear export restrictions32k20010221130620
Ted-Truss1.2Tetris cloneGames Sharewarehttp://www.arcosoft.com/ 7.3k20010408123411
TGssh1.3ssh1 clientNetwork GPLishhttp://www.ai/~iang/TGssh/ 63k20010221125144
Waba VM1.0Java VMLibraries GPL 41k20010221110937
ZLib1.1.3ZLib CompressionLibraries GPLishhttp://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/zlib/ 49k20010221111257

ABSOLUTELY no warranty is implied by providing these files.

Last updated: 20/02/01 by dom [at] tirian